Host Access to Tallies

The host can send Long Format Codes, Short Format Codes, RS-232 Format Codes, and IBM 4683 Format Codes to read the scanner tallies. The following table shows the Long Format Codes and the RS-232 Format Codes to use.

Tally Long Format Codes: Single Scanner/Scale RS-232 Codes
C1 00H, 33H, 3DH, 32H, 31H 33H, 3dH, 32H, 31H
C2 00H, 33H, 3DH, 32H, 32H 33H, 3dH, 32H, 32H
C3 00H, 33H, 3DH, 32H, 33H 33H, 3dH, 32H, 33H
C4 00H, 33H, 3DH, 32H, 34H 33H, 3dH, 32H, 34H
C5 00H, 33H, 3DH, 32H, 35H 33H, 3dH, 32H, 35H

Note:  Parity, BCC, and so on, appropriate to the communication protocol must be added.

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4